Monday, September 26, 2011


October 3, 2011


It was all a blur and many eventful things happened. I don't have the energy to type out the whole story, so bullet points it is!
  • battery kept dying, bought a new one but guy said, "get your old one tested first, just in case it's not the problem." Battery testing guy said, "your battery is fine." Returned battery.
  • battery kept on dying, went to other place and got it tested. "your battery is bad." Bought battery again. Car is fine. Egged first battery testing guy's house.*
  • gotta be out of apt by 30th. Zane flies to Baltimore on 28th.
  • driver side window stops working, stuck down on 28th.
  • took car full of stuff to new apartment, realized new apt keys are at old apartment
  • later that day met a sister at old apartment to get something I was giving to her, realized old apartment keys are at new apartment, along with purse and phone.
*slight egg-zaggeration

Miles ran: 1, but if moving counts as exercise, call me Jillian Michaels!


September 26th, 2011

Meeting day. Studying. Sort of.

Since the new place is still getting worked on a little before the 1st (cleaning, new light switches, new vanity in the master bath) we are sleeping at the empty old place on an air mattress. That makes it really hard to study for meeting: no desk, no kitchen table, no couches. So I am at starbucks! I tried to study at home for a bit at the breakfast counter, but I was getting stir-crazy. I love the mood at starbucks, it's busy but quiet. They are playing old jazzy music and there are a few other people sitting around reading things, not talking. I love it. I got a soy chai tea. (I KNOW chai means tea, but I think it can also be used to describe the specific way the tea drink is prepared. So there.)

(3:25) uh ok, school just got out. It got busy in this starbucks. Little girls in pleated plaid skirts and knee socks make a lot of noise! But they're cute and they have moms with them, so it's not as bad as teenagers, right?

Cleaned out the freezer! Yay! So much freezer-burned fruits and vegetables! Boo!

Miles ran: 1

Sunday, September 25, 2011


September 25, 2011
Usually Sunday is a long-run day. But Zane and I were down in Romeoville for our S.A.D. sooooooo, that didn't happen. At all.
Great time. I'm super tired.

This week on Sajethegirl: finishing moving, more running, cooking, more gushing over pretty people.

Miles ran: still only 1, but not for long

Saturday, September 24, 2011


September 24, 2011

8:30- Eeek! It's move day. Woke up with a stuffy nose and itchy eyes. It's allergies but it's also from all the dust from packing. The dust wasn't even that noticeable yesterday, not like zane and I kept becoming pigpen from peanuts. But it was enough to make me miserable today. We stayed up so late packing, but it was good becau

After some scrambling to get a truck that we could use in the morning, we are on our way! I set up the kitchen with the coffee maker and cups and a kettle for tea (even though as I am typing this at 8:40am I realize that we packed all the tea.) I also have a lunch planned but we'll see how that goes. Tacos.

Picked up the truck and had it at the house by 10:00 and Danny and Zane started loading it. They both decided on their own to wear their red coca-cola tees! Hilarious.

It is now 12:00 and pretty much our old apartment is empty. I think I drastically over estimated how much help we would need and how long it was going to take. (Seriously, we asked like 15 people but it was so last minute that most had previous obligations. Good thing too, huh?)

Zane and Dan are running some errands (ace hardware, dropping off clothes to the donation box, etc.) and I'm getting lunch ready. To go on the tacos I made Sarah's delicious salsa. It not only tastes as good as Sarah looks but it's as easy to make as she is easy to look at!

7:45pm- so tired. everything got moved over. Amanda came over to help and so did Rick a little later. Everything went smoothly and we need to sleep!
Tacos again for din-din with beautiful Sarah's salsa!

Don't worry, Zane took 'before' pictures on Amanda's camera. I don't know where mine got put with the packing going on. Some random box maybe.

Miles Ran: 1


September 23 2011

We finally found a great apartment a few days ago, and today Zane and I were able to move a few things into the storage locker that came with it. The locker is huge! I would like to put up some shelves or a bookcase/wire shelving unit like this. We could probably fit three no problem, with room left over.

Aaah! It's much later in the day, evening, night, and I had forgotten to finish this post!

Packing packing packing. We are not doing the entire move in one day, but we ARE doing the main part of it all at once. So couches, bookcases, dressers, bed and as many boxes of stuff we can live without for a few days. Cleaning lady doesn't come until Monday so we are gonna stay at the old place for Sat and Sun nights at least. When we move all that stuff tomorrow we will just pile it in the middle of the rooms and not unpack anything. That way the cleaning lady can work and our landlord will be changing some light switch faceplates and other cosmetic things before we move in, so we won't be in his way either.

Shout out to my friend Cici who is a sickie-poo. Get Well!

Current audio book: Persuasion by Jane Austen